What is this virus? The name has been given because of its biological appearance. Overcome could not be defined by name and those who are familiar with this outbreak   such as scientist, doctors and others still  don’t know the exact information about this disease. Although symptoms has been shown differently on each country.

Resource says that it has discovered form one of the provinces of China which is called Wuhan. They words also being spread on the globe that because of eating animals like dog, bat snake etc. Such kind of animals contains such kind of disease, but despite the fact no one is assured to be saying that which cause could have been brought this deadly virus.                 

Covid-19 is a still mystery to find cure. Firstly it was a catastrophe now it became epidemic, it has been seen that over 140 countries have been infected corona virus. The dead figures are increasing day by day. Almost 1 lack deaths have been confirmed and the numbers of infected people have been recorded over 1.2 million around the globe. What precautions should be made that help to stop this widespread virus, seriously! The professionals still unaware to the fact how this exactly it is taking over on this planet.

Ultimately this fact had been known form very start of the world that no disease or virus has been sent but with cure. If it is in ones fate he would be effected by this virus if it is not then he is not going to be effected with any kind of virus. Don’t get this stuff into your head. if you, it will make you sick mentally.

Yeah Wash your hand use hand sanitizerr but don’t get sick of it.  If this thing is getting in your head then talk to your doc make yourself clear about it. At the last I must say don’t lose your will power.

Don't lose your will power
Stay clean as you can
Be positive about this outbreak  don't get panic