
What is Facebook?

Through digital media people get social with this platform. At the start you need to fill up some personal info to get on the flow then people can make friends, groups, pages  with their special interest. And this process requires because of security purpose and find for you and suggest you right people that might you want to get social with them. However what info you put for your profile after that Facbook show or suggest you accordingly.

Purpose behind using Facbook?

Fun: this is people first priority to get attract with this platform sharing meme, sharing self moments, and other information like messaging  to friends and community.
Studies: yep students and youngsters use to make class group for studies on Facebook, not just for study purposes but also for fun. The fun is just in few metrics in such kind categories because teachers are also in there to look after on students so that’s why there most time passes on studies.
Business: third and most used category on Facebook this type mostly used for marketing purposes and freelancing business and online shopping. People work through pages, groups and even from their profile.

What age groups use this most?

Mostly over 13 to 40 year age group use this platform. In Particularly  13 to 18 age group just use it for fun and chatting with their friends. 18 to 40   these age groups maybe irrelevant some of them use this for studies and business interests. Now in these days we can argue  on,  up to 50 age also getting interest with this form , because of its popularity. 

Why Facebook is Popular?

All over the globe people talk about this because there s pages, people and groups that might you take interest in. moreover with this platform you can know social interest of people. In addition to take a look on these metrics to understand its search rate over search engines.


Advantages and disadvantages of Facebook?

These are can be vary in figures but it’s depending on the time how long people use this during one day. If purpose behind this just to market your business or chatting with friend and checking it for needed info. Then it’s ok, ok thing. Business promotion through ads , pages and group as well as studies and talking and sharing fun and info base things. Aside the fact these are advantages till you use it for just satisfying your need for just few moments. There is also people mostly youngsters use it all day keeping their salves online for no reason. Fake news takes growth on this platform like, direct and indirect. Waste of time by scrolling feeds up at the people feel they wasted their time for o reason.