Most important thing in one's life  is Time. so what is time it can be known and it is. whenever you need it is never long enough for you. if it isn't your need it  would be feel you longer than ever. for people convenience it have been made in sequence. Therefore they easily  count its identity in sec, hours, days mounts and years so this chain would be help them to divide their everyday business or work well timely.

Truth About Time Travel:

However those who believe and talk about time travel and time machine in my point of view they have   totally  baseless perception.for example if i grab cup of tea or coffee and i put it back exactly from where i picked. so picking up and putting back cup of tea or coffee. its called consecutive process.No matter i f i picked something and  put it back. the process that happened in between can never be changed. only God can change this. if human done something and then  he wants to change it in like its never happened before so that's  beyond his abilities.


To  conclude, what is going to be  Done. where when and how. whatsoever these things designed to happen in an order the  process can never be changed. The matter we have been made not to stiff our mind in such question or  that beyond our  reach. to much question can be offensive.