What is Interesting About School Life?

What is Interesting about School Life? It is too complex to discuss interesting about school life. Anyhow let’s begin with its introduction. The place that we were use to hate even when mom or dad were say son/daughter tomorrow is Monday you have to go on your bed and sleep you have school tomorrow. So that is kind of toxic we all had been through. Schools bag pack ,books, pencils ,rubber ,sharpeners , teachers, hate joy , friends , recess, food, lectures, class work , homework then its repeat its self every single day if we imagine ourselves into that age. However no one gonna say that above mentioned things can be interesting some of them maybe. 

Interesting about school life is  finding Happiness in the 5th lecture of the class that it’s gonna be recess after it. Moreover playing with friends during the lecture and laughing after getting beat up from teacher and making extra unique voices during the class. There is more to like watching towards bell in the last class feeling and pacifying ourself that it’s gonna be end for today relax all is well. You know in my point of view all hardship that we bare in the school like test, assignment and exams deadlines all these complications just happens to be complex for limited time.

 Schools are most precious thing because when we gets grow we consider school as a more convenient and prestigious moments and memories above all our joys that we have in our lives. Despite the fact there is number of students those not just being enjoyed their school lives being hanging out with friends or bunking classes but they also have been competitors to their fellows to score high grades. Moreover some of them just were being enjoyed to study specific subjects like physics, chemistry, science and arts. 

Obviously in start of the day children don’t want go school in fact they try to waste their time being brushing teeth or taking bath for assuring their parents that we are late, time is over but this is after all these excuses parents don’t allow for leave hehe!. Differing from we are just like to travel towards school not for study. Ultimately After all these hardship that we have in our lives, as I explained in above paragraph that we believe our childhood is much convenient than our young age. We were use to think l that schools are hard, but we were wrong. schools were easy if we look over our young age.