Generally it’s in reality people do  not believe what in cue that have  explicitly  going after them until they taught to be accept the way which make them  straight as stick. Although it’s obvious that new invention is not acceptable even it has potential itself. However people not use to believe what's so ever good for them first they even us ignore to accept Worth of those things that may have impact either negative or positive.

Everything that happens in around us in reality it does have a reason to happen.  The topic that being described here is people does get ready to accept spontaneous things that happen around us. What is logic:  reason behind things that use to have specific Norms.

Moreover to understand it in way of our topic is explicit to understand but let’s get into more details. Experience does have potential influence like imagine yourself being lecture by your father that son do study if you don't you could fail your class. Anyway son doesn't consider this lesson as a advice. So he gets fail here comes the pain word you can see in title failure is pain that make people convince.

First principal to make balance life is listening and do take advise seriously. Those who listens carefully and take advises in more significant way they are the successful people. LOGIC: if government says stay at home don't get out until it necessary then do stay at home. PAIN: when police beats up them hardly then they make their selves to stay home and its complete the convincing.