Influence of Internet on Young generation

What is internet?

Internet is global network which makes people to get together with things that they have interest in. on internet thing that we want to know about is just one click away  like you search and it’s right in front of your screen in few seconds. Moreover internet has its impact on various ages but the discussion is going to be on young generation. Young generation as all we been and know that at the young age we don’t use to  worry about consequences anything. However it has wide range of impact on young generation so our focus is on bad impact.

Nowadays the usage of internet is on its peak especially  in youngster’s. The cause which is affecting them by getting touch with internet is over use of internet like online gaming, social media movies and there is more areas that affecting lives of youngsters.  What brings over use of internet? it makes our youngsters mentally and physically ill. They use it whole day and even in the night besides sleeping. Social media attachment of young generation is getting wired day by day and that thing has taken many lives of youngsters because they don't get accept to him or her that they like. i know the platform is not making them like that but end level of easiness making them as I described.

In family matters if someone from the family asks them to perform particular task other than search on internet they don't appear show any potential  to perform that particular task. In family gatherings the do the same they use phone other Than involving their selves to talk with family. Furthermore they just avoid such action that makes them involve into physical actions. However the same routine just brings anxiety into their head. 

Generally online gaming and movies are about guns killing people and smoking cigarettes so with weak minds they try to implement in their lives like smoking cigarettes and it brings health issue in period of time. Despite the fact it’s good to put yourself in practical use of internet for searching good content. Internet is necessary in these days but using too much is not good  for health. Youngsters should use internet for less time besides they can involve their selves into physical activities. The prevention should be made by their parents in matter of using too much internet.