Today realization  dancing  in heads that no one have power to make any decision until God let him to. let leave the other world behind and talk about my own country's people some of them think that rules  have taught by religion is just nothing. Islam  prevent us to things  those  even not good for our own selves. but people dont understand until they taste bad from it. wrong doings brings consequences  and i must say humans own mistakes brings worse for them. i dont know why they dont realize that  they are doing its totally wrong to do. there are much things to discuss here but in this session im just going through with Auratmarch (women movement) that was happen in Pakistan truly known as a flop movement.  

Auratmarch is nothing but filth under this they are promoting humo and Lesbos.  We have not seen mature play card in the hand of both genders so called AuratMarch. Those who are in the favor of AuratMarch they are just want to get free from Boundaries of religion. This agenda is has been funded and been funding from dark people. Which right dose they don’t have already that making them to get out from their homes for that specific right. What is this Auratmarch according to the research only 40 to 50 women those provoking youngster both male and female into way that only will bring them nothing but sadness. 

Every 8 march some filthy people try to put their effort to break religion boundaries in the name of Aurat march as  per this name 0 percent of them talk about crimes and rest of them just trying to implement such things that can misguidance for society. lets look what  and which they want the freedom. look what have brought such actions  pandemics (corona virus). The reason to post this is  that man should not try to make wrong  things as right that actions can bring infinite  pain for him.