Some people argue that the technological advancement is best for every matter of life, like social societies as well as corporate sector. Firstly let’s understand the term technology. It kind of thing that make our daily life more easier  no matter where area we are  it will  somehow interact  us with technology  like mobile phones, cars, airplane, medical equipment,  electronics  there is much more to narrate. However it has made our lives easier in every way like if we go back 50 years and see the difference we would realize that   the ear we are in more convenient to live then those who have passed 50 years ago.

The biggest invention of technology is internet that has wide range of impact on human. It helps in offices, homes, schools, hospitals and etc.  It preserved world’s information  just one click away to its user whatever he/she  want to know about or watch even  we can easily get to  know about  technology advancement with internet by one click. Moreover there is tan of social site that gives us social news and entertain us with social incidents that happens around the globe. Furthermore it’s also gives us way to buy things like e commerce sites.

The first and big step into technology advancement was invention of computer. As we all know on that time only some of people or organization could afford computer because of its size and price but by the period of time it started getting smaller and now it can be easily fit in our pockets in shape mobile phones.  So the race of technology advancement not just brought good staff but also brought hell of prices differences like china phones and computers has less price value than American and united kingdom phones despite the fact the all electronic staff is assembled in china but because quality  and product  label  make huge dispute in prices.

Form homes  to offices  modern era is filled with technological advancement. Now protecting and securing your offices and homes is much easier there is a lot of option to implement like CCTV cameras, finger print door locks, facial door locks and etc. In medical profession there’s a lot development happened like MRI machines, x-rays machine, laser surgical equipment and artificial bone replacement and now a day’s operation performs with less  damage of body.

Electricity is the back bone of all electronic things we can say none of electronic thing can run without electricity. Smart phone depends on computers, internet  and etc. Now day’s the new advancement making new and easy way to develop electricity like with wind power, water, coal , solar and etc. There is more way to get your lights on like electricity generators and solar penal.

Automobile now cars and other vehicles are running on electricity in past few years we runs these things on petrol or diesel. Now we have electric cars and bikes to drive with less expenditure however its also good for atmosphere the less fuel consumption cars and heavy vehicles the more clean atmosphere we will get this advancement will also make our environment pollution free.

The Elevator
Buildings are now touching the sky and claiming up stairs is completely left optional because the elevator take its place. You know that the stairs also was technological advancement but now  the elevator has bring the easiness not  just offices but homes and  hospital  where old age and disable people go up to roofs with feeling bit pain in their knees or feeling any hurdle.

Top Upcoming technology advancement:

  1. Secure internet unshakable
  2. Digital money
  3. Micro chips in replace of mobile phone
  4. Water data storage
  5. Revelation in medical field
  6. Flying automobile  
  7. 5G internet