Trees are the sources where all humans’ lives depend. God have made trees in a way so they produce oxygen or   exhaled it and inhaled Carbon dioxide. Trees and humans made to be depending on each other. The Carbon dioxide that we human exhaled it travels in atmosphere trees help us to inhale to clear the atmosphere. Trees respire Carbon dioxide this process not just clear atmosphere also develops oxygen that is necessary for human respiration.

As we all familiar with that an incident happened in Australia a wide range of Forest area has burned down. Importance of trees if one of them gets down then there will be consequence. However these above lines explained importance of trees how they are   necessary for humanity we all are familiar that without trees inhaling oxygen can’t be possible for humans. 

Generally there are number of people those don't care to cutting trees down obviously its lack of knowledge or tribal need of money. Some people just cut trees down to build up housing societies. Furthermore if they cut one tree they don't care to put there attention to sowing seed to fulfill the action that they have made in the first place.  If you're cutting trees for fulfilling your needs than you should have sow seed in place of those trees that you have cut down. 

In my point of view there are boundaries that man should not cross. Why we don't see that trees are important why we are happening strange for our own lives. Stop cutting trees down for no reason sow seed to plant new trees for health environment, for healthy breath.  Be those who cut one tree and sow hundreds of seeds to plant new it’s our need don’t be brutal. More green world more healthy people.